Over the course of this year, CCU will be rolling out a new learning management system, switching to Blackboard in an effort to create an enhanced learning experience for students.
With the rise in house prices, continuing strict lending criteria and increasing ‘accidental landlords’ it seems that there will be a small fall in rental yields over the next twelve months.
International mobile solutions firm JMango and leading mobile commerce and payments specialist paythru have just announced that they will be entering into a partnership that will enable both firms to utilize each other’s technologies.
Georgelis Law Firm, PC, an elite law firm in Lancaster County, PA, ensures strong and effective representation in personal injury cases as well as those involving accidents
Dr. Vazquez of Active Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine shares important patient-side benefits of hip arthroscopy procedure.
West Coast Flooring Center, the leading flooring company in San Diego, recently tasked its web design team with improving the user interface design of its home page and blog to increase accessibility to the company’s flooring knowledge database
Nu-England Services provides premium service with its extensive range of cleaning and restoration services at cost effective rates for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial clientele
Protect America, Inc. has unveiled its new Smart Connect, an interactive phone application allows customers to access and control their alarm systems from their computers and smartphones.
Meteor Fleet is offering best possible car contract hire leasing deals with versatile finance packages and tailor-made quotation on a wide range of cars. Maintenance services are available as well
Dr. Fred Hackney cites statistics from a worldwide survey of plastic surgeons in a recent blog post.
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